The Leadership School (TLS) is an initiative of Vrushamani Foundation. The Foundation was formed in August 2007, as a Not-for-Profit Organisation, based in Hyderabad, AP, India.
The Name of the foundation “VRUSHAMANI” is derived from the Character/Faculty of the Goddesses Srilakshmi, Srigowri, Swahadevi(wife of Agni dev), Sacheedevi (Wife of Indra)and Suvarchaladevi (Wife of Suryadev) – according to a Research Scholar of Puranas.
Mrs. Vrushamani, is the paternal Grandmother of the founder, Chakradhar Yerneni. She was in her eighties when she left for her heavenly abode in 1993. She was known for her hardwork, patience, discipline and kindness, which qualities she spread amongst her Children. She waged a lone struggle in life in bringing-up and educating her 4 children, after she lost her husband and father at very early age. She is the role model and inspiration for Chakradhar.